Why Ivermectin Shouldn’t Be Used To Treat Or Prevent Covid-19

Why iverheal 12 is not a COVID treatment

Ivermectin, a well-known antiparasitic medication, has been approved by the World Health Organization and US Food and Drug Administration.

It is widely used in LMICs (low- and middle-income countries) to treat worm infections. It can also be used to treat lice and scabies and is one of the WHO’s Essential Medicines. There are approximately 2,000 doses of ivermectin.

is equivalent to one-third of the world’s current population.5 Ivermectin, in its normal dosages (0.2-0.4 mg/kg), has been shown to have antiparasitic and antiviral qualities,8

The SARS/CoV2 pandemic began with Observational and randomized studies that have evaluated ivermectin as a treatment or prophylactic against COVID-19.

New COVID Medications vs. Iverheal 12

A review concluded that Iverheal 12 “demonstrates a strong signal of therapeutic effectiveness” against COVID-19.9 However, the National Institutes of Health of the United States recently stated

“There is not enough evidence to support the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 treatments,” 11 as well as the recommendation that the World Health Organization discouraged the use of the drug outside of clinical trials.12

Ivermectin demonstrated antiviral activity against a number of DNA and RNA viruses including Zika yellow fever and dengue.

Carly and her colleagues have shown the specificity of SARS-CoV-2 action in vitro. However, cell culture EC50 was not possible in vivo.

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Another theory of mechanism is the inhibition of 3CLPro activity at SARS-CoV-217/18 (a protease necessary for replication of the virus), and a range of anti-inflammatory effects. Also, there are competitive bindings of ivermectin and viral S proteins as demonstrated in many in-silico studies. This could prevent the virus from binding to ACE-2 receptors. This would reduce the spread of infection.

Hemagglutination via viral binding to sialic acid receptors in erythrocytes is a new pathological process.

Both host-directe and virus-directed mechanisms were propose. The mechanism used in clinical practice may be multimodal. It could depend on the stage and severity of the disease. A thorough review of all the mechanisms involved is necessary.

It could take many years to develop new drugs. It could take years to develop new drugs.

Ivermectin is one of the generic drugs that failed COVID-19

Ivermectin can purchase in many countries around the world and is readily available. Iverheal tablets are currently price at $2.90 per 100 mg. A study done by Bangladesh23 shows that a course of Ivermectin for five days costs between US$0.60-US$1.80.

It is important to consider the effectiveness of ivermectin in combating SARS/CoV-2, especially for those with limited resources.

If it proves to be effective as a treatment for COVID-19. It is important to compare the cost-effectiveness and effectiveness of ivermectin with other treatment options and prophylaxes.

We reviewed the reference lists for the studies and two additional 2021 reviews on ivermectin.9 As well as the most recent WHO report that included an analysis of ivermectin 12.

We reached professionals in the area (Drs. Andrew Hill and Pierre Kory, along with Paul Marik), for information about recent trial results.

Additional trials were also reviewe on registries of clinical trials. Trialists for the 39 in-progress trials or studies that were not classifie as unclassified were contacte to obtain information about the status of trials. Research Square and the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform were us to identify preprint publications and non-published articles.

Analysis of data

We extracted information or data on study design (including methods, location, sites, funding, study author declaration of interests, and inclusion/exclusion criteria), setting, participant characteristics (disease severity, age, gender, comorbidities, smoking, and occupational risk), and intervention and comparator characteristics (dose and frequency of ivermectin/comparator).

The main outcome of the intervention portion of the review was deaths due to any cause and the presence of COVID-19 as determined by the investigators to determine the need for ivermectin-based prophylaxis.

Other outcomes included the time from polymerase chain reactions (PCR), negative and clinical recovery times, length of stay at the hospital, admission to ICU (for outpatient care), and duration of mechanical ventilation.

All these outcomes were gathere in accordance with the criteria used by researchers. Data about results of interest were extracte according to the intent to treat.

We requested clarification from the authors in the case of data conflicts between different sources within one study (eg, the difference between the published article or the registry of trials).

Two members of the reviewers performed the assessments (T.L. or T.D., A.B. or G.G. Two members of the reviewers (T.L., T.D., A.B., or G.G.) performed assessments using a Cochrane RCT risk–of-bias instrument. Discussions were able to resolve 27 discrepancies.

Continuous outcomes were evaluate using the mean difference (95% confidence intervals) (CI) as well as dichotomous outcomes (RR and CI).

No missing data was entere into the results. We contacted the authors to ask about missing data and clarify the study methodology.


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