Infographics have become a staple for communication in the classrooms, in the workplace and across the web. Infographics are a visual representations of information or data. It is a collection of imagery and data visualization, such as pie charts and bar graphs.
Many studies have shown that an audience will remember 65% of the visual content they have viewed compared to the 10% being recognized from the written one. Infographics are ideal for sharing on blogs, websites and social media channels and have an eye-catching appeal.
The information distributed in infographics earns more outside links, including contextual and editorial links. Playing up to the trending topics and all the latest news through your infographics will make you even more likely to get picked up by bloggers.
What infographics should be a part of your link-building strategy?
Infographics continue to be one of the many most-used formats for building links and brand awareness. Good statistics visuals or illustrations are rich in content with engaging visuals that are comfortable.
According to a survey, 30% of marketers utilize original infographics more than other kinds of visual content like gifs and videos. Around 42% of marketers state unique infographics induce maximum engagement rates compared to the pictorial material on the site.
How to create a compelling infographic?
1. Research your topic.
A fantastic infographic starts with excellent content. No matter how well-designed your infographic is, if it does not provide readers with new, relevant and valuable information, they will not be interested. To increase your odds of getting picked up by the popular bloggers, you should create content that is entirely original and that is never seen before. The best way of doing this is by conducting your poll. If you are a digital marketer interested in researching trending topics, you can easily access a world of information on social media platforms. If you do not have the means of collecting your data, you can conduct thorough research to ensure that you have found everything you can.
2. Pinpoint your audience.
After you have your information, you need to thoroughly understand your audience that would be interested in consuming your infographic.
If you are creating a link-building infographic that pertains to your audience, then you should choose a highly-specific segment that is most likely to share your content. If you are jumping on a topic which is trending, the target audience for your infographic might be a little less targeted segment of your audience.
It is very crucial to know who your information is targeting so that you get to know what your content’s tone and its theme should be.
The visuals of your infographics should consider your audience and the types of design they want to see.
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3. Creating a compelling narrative.
After you gather your research and determine the specific audience for your infographic, it is time to develop a compelling narrative which will engage your readers from start to finish. Visual storytelling is an art; you should learn how to capture that when you create the storyline for your infographic.
If you provide your viewers with an exciting and entertaining journey, they will completely understand the topic. There are many types of infographics to choose from. You should choose the best way to visualize your information before starting your design. This way, you will know what type of template to use and where the information should live within an infographic.
4. Create a wireframe.
Before you delve into your design, you ought to consider creating an infographic wireframe. It helps you determine where you will place each piece of information before you start your design. This also enables you to find some infographic design inspiration.
5. Design your infographic.
An infographic requires goals and objectives. They need a vital topic, an outline as well as a target audience. After you take care of it, it is finally time to design your infographic. You should make use of an infographic template for the same. It makes the design process much more manageable.
How to build links with infographics?
1. Publish your infographic.
You should publish your infographic so that all the other bloggers and creators have a place to link back to. You should emulate your own infographic publication. The best strategy is to publish a new post with your infographic and some copy explaining your process and your findings within that infographic.
2. Share your infographic on social media.
You should start your promotion by sharing your infographic on social media. You should determine which of your platforms have the best audience for your infographic and focus solely on those.
Should also share small snippets of your infographic each time, so they are better suited for social media.
3. Promote your infographic on social media.
Once you have to create a promotion plan for the organic social media sharing, create an ad on your top platforms. To get a brief idea of how you should design an ad, you should take a look at some templates.
Promoting your infographics on social media can increase your content’s views.
4. Reach out to bloggers and influencers.
You should reach out to all the bloggers and influencers in your industry that are relevant to your topic and who can share your infographics.
5. Send to infographic directories.
There are many infographic directories to that you can submit your infographic to for publication. Many people will accept your infographic by itself while the other ones require a unique description to accompany it.
6. Submit a press release.
Another great way to generate hype around your infographic is by creating and then submitting a press release to various PR sites. Journalists follow press releases and this could give you a very good chance to be featured on an important online publication.
7. Connect with your own contacts.
If you have a list of people you have worked with in the past who might be interested in your infographics, you can reach out to them.